Putting scaling at the forefront of operations: podcast on The Corporate Counsel Show - Venturis Consulting Group

Putting scaling at the forefront of operations: podcast on The Corporate Counsel Show


Victoria Swedjemark, partner at Venturis Consulting Group, was recently interviewed by Jerome Doraisamy on the Corporate Counsel Show podcast. In their chat they talk about why it is now critical to find ways to effectively scale the Corporate Legal function and the opportunities out there for corporate legal teams that start building a more effective operating model powered by new building blocks like business enablement, embedment, automation and data.

At Venturis we meet many corporate legal teams that are struggling with heavy workload and that find it increasingly challenging to get the most important work done and have the right type of impact across the organisation in the current operating model. In our work we help them identify – and succeed with implementing – new types of solutions to have more impact and expand reach, by adding new tools to the tool box. Are you curious too on how it can be done? Reach out to us!

You can listen to the original interview below: