Legal departments and their outside providers of legal services need to deliver with ever greater efficiency, increased client value and improved cost effectiveness. They need an improved service delivery model supported by effective and efficient business services. Those who succeed in this transformation can create greater value. We help legal departments and legal service providers apply client-centric methods for Legal Project Management, establish value-adding business services and enable data-driven decision-making.
Clients expect law firms to staff legal projects and work in them as efficiently as possible. Increasing cost pressure makes clients require law firms to offer transparent pricing, predictable cost estimates and alternatives to hourly fees. They also expect law firms to be more client-centric, make greater efforts to understand clients´ business needs and tailor their legal advice to the business risk involved. With our in-depth experience in implementing LPM initiatives, we help you establish new ways of providing greater value to your clients.
Clients and staff are increasingly expecting law firms to leverage state-of-the-art technology, processes and automation to become more efficient and ease interactions. The ability to use digital tools for co-operation and co-creation of legal solutions with clients is a competitive advantage. We are intimately familiar with law firms’ pain points and help you select and use the right digital solutions to address your clients’ need and your own.
Lawyers need professional Business Services to provide high-quality legal advice and enhance their service delivery. Business Services professionals should act as business partners, being able to level with the most senior lawyers of your firm. Drawing on our extensive first-hand experience in Business Services roles for leading law firms, we help you organize effective and efficient Business Services functions.
Firms can leverage internal and external data to boost their (financial) performance. Use of modern business intelligence systems enables law firms to switch from a traditional gut-feeling approach to data-driven decision making. We help you select the right systems, design the data structure and create the reporting tools that help you drive your performance.
The pressure on the legal department is growing, as is workload. Legal must find ways to get more work done in shorter time. What new, smarter ways can be used to carry out work? What shall lawyers spend their precious time on, what can be delegated or turned into business self-service or be automated, and what should be outsourced, and to whom? We help you streamline and increase efficiency in your operations and optimize your service delivery model.
Business processes and workflows are being automated and technology is increasingly used to support and enhance work. Technology can be used to manage cost and value of external spend, package and distribute legal know-how, create business enablement for routine, day-to-day legal matters, to speed up work, to improve quality and consistency and to gain better insights. This can often benefit from applying existing enterprise technology in innovative ways and be complemented with specific legal solutions where necessary. We help you set the right priorities and step-plan to meet your aspirations and solve your pain points, and find the right solutions and best approaches, including in teaming up with your IT department and others.
As a legal function you need to make sure you allocate work right – and put the right people and resources to work in carrying it out. What work shall be done in-house, and what shall be outsourced, and to whom? We help you improve your sophistication in how you distribute work to be able to rigthsource work. We also help you select and manage outside counsel, align your partners to your expectations and develop partnerships over time.
There is pressure on legal departments to improve cost efficiency. With growing workload, this is essentially an expectation to “do more with less”, which is a challenge. You need to ensure both cost efficient outside counsel management and overall cost-effectiveness of your operating model. If you’re tasked to save money, you must often do more structural changes than just reduce the team, to be able to sustainably handle growing workload without losing quality or speed. We help you manage spend, gain better spend insights and optimise overall cost-effectiveness.