Firm that want to emerge must have a strategy on German market - Venturis Consulting Group

Firm that want to emerge must have a strategy on German market

From: Juridische Groeimarkt Duitsland
by Gerard Tanja
To read the article (in Dutch), please download the .pdf file
Gerard Tanja, partner in the Amsterdam office of Venturis Consulting, commented on the relations between Dutch and German law firms. According to Gerard, several Dutch law firms have to change their approach with respect o their German business activities and have to think much more strategically. According to Gerard the attitude of several of the larger Dutch firms of having a ” German Desk”  to service their outbound work to Germany will, in the next few years, be insufficient. A more pro-active approach is required.
He also expresses doubts about several Dutch law firm initiatives to establish themselves in Germany. According to Gerard, a strategic alliance or a non-exclusive network makes more sense, given the particularities and size of the German legal market. He also predicts, based on the growth of inbound and outbound Dutch-German legal work, that we will see more intensive relationships between Dutch and German law firms evolving in the coming 5 years.